Category: Formula 1
Managing your professional decline
It is suggested that a decline in our careers is inevitable, and comes earlier than you might expect. So what should we do about it?
Belgian Grand Prix race day — Trip to Belgium part 3
This year’s Belgian Grand Prix may have been a damp squib, but we still had a great time on race day.
Our first grand prix experience — Trip to Belgium part 1 — Arrival and Friday practice
Even though both Gordon and I have been avid Formula 1 fans since we were kids, we have never made it to a grand prix. That changed when we went with Alex on a road trip to see the Belgian Grand Prix.
How to get results in the ultimate agile environment
How lessons from how Formula 1 teams are managed could apply to other businesses.
The problem with trusting experience over expertise (a story about design thinking, astronauts, Formula 1 pundits and Brexit)
The media — and society in general — has gradually drifted away from listening to expert figures, in favour of practitioners. But it is leaving us less enlightened.
The new Formula 1 timing app is comically bad
The new Formula 1 timing app is comically bad. Even on quite a large screen, it only shows 10 drivers — at a gigantic font size. Meanwhile, the live driver tracker is juddery and completely unusable. But hey, I guess it uses Sean Bratches’ new fonts. The old app wasn’t perfect, but at least it […]
Improve the user experience of Formula 1 live timing with this one small tweak
The new has brought great new live timing functionality. But the user experience could be improved. Find out how you can improve it yourself in time for the Australian Grand Prix.