Why content is more important than code

…and what I don’t mean by that.
Human-centred decisions
…and what I don’t mean by that.
Town planners in the mid-20th century faced a big problem. The advent of the motor car brought increased congestion and safety risks. Planners wrongly thought that separating pedestrians and vehicles on different levels was the solution. If you know where to look, you can still see remnants of this thinking.
Accessibility and aesthetics are not in conflict, despite the claims of some.
Accessibility Scotland was a high quality event with a diverse range of speakers. Find out what I took away from the event.
Google wanted to fix mobile interfaces for people with motor impairments. But this new technology will benefit us all.
You’ve probably been using some emojis wrongly without realising it.
This first edition looks at why designers should take so-called edge cases seriously, to the benefit of all users.
As an industry, web professionals have failed their users. It’s time to stop building bloated and inaccessible pages.
Concluding my look at the decisions I made while designing this website, this article looks at the issues surrounding colour.
This series of posts will cover some of the decisions I have made while designing this website. This first article looks at the issues surrounding HTML5 and web fonts.