Tag: University of St Andrews
12 years in higher education web and user experience management
Today I have started a new job. But while I’m looking forward, I have also been reflecting, as this moment marks my first real move away from higher education. Despite the differing natures of the three organisations I worked for, there were many parallels across them.
How I learnt to embrace handwriting, sketching and sticking stuff on walls
Working on walls is an unbeatable way to create ideas as well as communicating them. But I learnt that lesson the hard way.
Pastures new
After almost two years at SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College), I have decided to move on. The opportunity to work with the University of Edinburgh Website Programme was too good to ignore.
Reflections on IWMW16
My highlights from the the Institutional Web Management Workshop, the valuable annual conference for (mostly) higher education web managers.
Building a digital team (almost) from scratch – IWMW16 plenary session P6
I was delighted to be given the opportunity to speak to my colleagues last week at IWMW 2016, the Institutional Web Management Workshop. I spoke about my experience building new teams at the University of St Andrews and SRUC.
Website launch: Study at St Andrews
For the past 12 months, I have been working on the new Study at St Andrews website, a full replacement for the webpages aimed at prospective students of the University of St Andrews.
Updates from work: University of St Andrews digital communications team
It has been an interesting year at work, and now the digital communications team has a blog.