Fyrish Hill

Fyrish monument

Last weekend I took a trip up to the Highlands to visit a friend. We climbed up Fyrish Hill, overlooking the Cromarty Firth near Alness.

From the ground, Fyrish looks very steep. But it is in fact a mostly gentle climb. In the snow and ice, it took us roughly 45 minutes to reach the top.

Although it was a chilly day, I only got cold when standing still. Having said it was a gentle climb, it certainly generated a lot of heat — which was no bad thing.

Icy lake on the way up Fyrish

At the top is the Fyrish monument. The monument does not denote anything in particular. It was built in the 19th century to provide work during a period of high unemployment.

Fyrish monument

However, what it lacks in meaning is certainly made up for in spectacle. The archways provide the frame for a majestic outlook onto the Cromarty Firth, a sensation heightened by the snow.

Cromary Firth from the Fyrish monument

Duncan Stephen

Photo of Duncan Stephen

I lead teams and organisations to make human-centred decisions. I am a lead content designer and information architect at the Scottish Government.

Email — contact@duncanstephen.net


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