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Torn-off portion of a leaflet advertising Savacentre. A large colourful logo appears in the middle. To the left are the store's opening hours. To the right are alterations to the opening hours for holiday Mondays. The small print says: "Prices valid until Saturday, 2nd June 1990."

I found some very vintage but surprisingly pristine litter in Morningside a few weeks ago.

My eye was drawn by the Savacentre branding (not a thing any more).

I was surprised to discover that this partial leaflet dates from spring 1990.

The reverse of the leaflet, showing two coupons that have been torn off. 15p off any pack of breakfast cereal. 10p off any pre-packed salad or lettuce 50p or more. The coupons were "Valid until Saturday 2nd June 1990s at Savacentre only." The graphic design is very of its time, with tall serif fonts, bright colours and jaunty illustrations.

Unfortunately the coupons are no longer valid.

View of Edinburgh including Arthur's Seat

Perks of the job. Today I had a short impromptu tour of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh on a crisp sunny winter’s morning.