Tag: Data
UK infosec experts flag concern over NHSX contact tracing app — Laurie Clarke — NS Tech
This is the sort of reason why I don’t trust the state with my data as much as I trust many private companies. Apple and Google have worked together (itself a minor miracle) to develop a method of contact tracing that does not collect personal data and does not invade people’s privacy. NHSX has rejected […]
Why story will always beat statistics — Paul Taylor
This piece builds on the idea that there is no such thing as neutral data, and combines it with the fact that humans are naturally drawn towards stories. The problem is, data isn’t simple or neutral or even factual. The best data needs explanatory stories. The human mind is a story processor, and to understand […]
Why data is never raw — Nick Barrowman, the New Atlantis
Why data is never raw — Nick Barrowman, the New Atlantis Why it’s wrong and perhaps even dangerous to expect “raw data” to be neutral and strictly factual. How data are construed, recorded, and collected is the result of human decisions — decisions about what exactly to measure, when and where to do so, and […]
‘People you may know:’ A controversial Facebook feature’s 10-year history
‘People you may know:’ A controversial Facebook feature’s 10-year history I had forgotten (or never realised) that ‘people you may know’ was originally a LinkedIn feature before Facebook poached it. This article covers how the shady world of shadow profiles enabled Facebook to turn this cute idea into something spooky. If Facebook sees an email […]
Why the future of data storage is (still) magnetic tape
Why the future of data storage is (still) magnetic tape A fascinating and entertaining piece about why tape is still used so much for data storage. I sort of knew that tape was still used a lot, but I didn’t know why, and I assumed that it was a legacy thing. This article taught me […]
Happy GDPR day
It has certainly been interesting to receive emails from so many companies I have no recollection of doing any business with.
Encoding data in dubstep drops
Encoding data in dubstep drops Very amusing. It reminds me of some of the images Aphex Twin has hidden in some of his music. Via @Resi014
Migrating to another Google account
I recently decided to switch my main Google account. But how can you do that when your old account contains all of your data? I found out that the process is not entirely straightforward. But with some care and a few sacrifices it is possible.