Tag: Personas
From personas to behaviour modes — Website and Communications Blog
This post on my team’s blog outlines why and how we have moved away from using personas to behavioural archetypes. Existing personas had served the team well for over 10 years. But with our work to reimagine the future of our web services, and our attention turning to the development of a new Web Publishing […]
Describing personas — Indi Young — Indi’s Essays
Personas are one of the most popular techniques in the user experience toolkit, but they also remain among the most controversial. It is often still unclear to some what value personas can bring, and how to avoid the pitfalls of bad personas. This article brings one of the clearest explanations I’ve seen of how to […]
User experience research for the University of Edinburgh’s API Service
User experience research for the University of Edinburgh’s API Service I have been leading some user research for a project at the University of Edinburgh to develop API Service. This post on the University Website Programme blog outlines the steps we went through in the first phase of the research. This included interviewing developers, running […]