PNG versus SVG

For years the debate has raged on. Which image file format is better: PNG or SVG? The Commonwealth Games gave us the chance to find out.
Human-centred decisions
For years the debate has raged on. Which image file format is better: PNG or SVG? The Commonwealth Games gave us the chance to find out.
Inbox is Google’s latest attempt to rethink email. But why make the world’s most popular communication platform more complicated?
Every year, at around this time of year, I get an urge to scratch that itch. I have to redesign my website. This year the visuals are jazzier. But the code behind the scenes is making me cringe.
Stories and photographs from my holiday to Wales last month.
You don’t need to have a purpose to walk. The physical and mental health benefits are manifest. My daily walk is as important to me as brushing my teeth.
Why user-centred design is like a trade.
As a web designer with an interest in brutalist architecture, I was fascinated to read an article about what web designers can learn from brutalism. But perhaps instead of taking inspiration, perhaps the lessons are in what web designers should avoid.
For the past 12 months, I have been working on the new Study at St Andrews website, a full replacement for the webpages aimed at prospective students of the University of St Andrews.
The world wide web has more birthdays than the Queen. But it’s well worth celebrating — and protecting.
Bars are not open before midnight at new year in Reykjavik. But that didn’t stop it from being the best new year’s experience I have ever had.
It is true that Iceland can be an expensive place to eat out. And their beer is not always great. But with care, you can get around both issues.
There is some interesting architecture in Iceland. Here are some buildings that particularly caught my eye on my recent trip there.