Tag: Coronavirus outbreak

Two months of parenthood

Me, Izzy and Alex in our back garden

Isobel is our first baby, so it’s difficult to compare having a baby during coronavirus to other times. But it does seem like a strange time to have a baby. There are many disadvantages to the current situation. But there are also some interesting advantages, particularly for me as a father.

Lockdown projects — Month 1

Me working on a paper model

Each weekend during lockdown, we’re trying to make at least one new thing. These are the little projects giving us a reason to get up at the weekends.

Adapting to the new normal

A long road ahead, on my long cycle, at Threipmuir reservoir

One of the (many) strange features of the coronavirus outbreak is that in many ways I feel busier than I have ever been. It is almost three weeks since I was last in my office, yet I haven’t had the time to commit my thoughts to writing.