The media also has lessons to learn from the latest Facebook furore
I am no fan of Facebook. But I am less than impressed with the media’s coverage of Facebook as well.
Human-centred decisions
I am no fan of Facebook. But I am less than impressed with the media’s coverage of Facebook as well.
Anyone who reads this blog will know by now that I am no fan of Facebook. But I will defend them on this. The newspaper industry’s attempt to pin the blame of their woes on Facebook is wrong.
This month’s digital design digest features a couple of articles about getting the most out of job stories. Plus, promising news from the world of CSS, how the Guardian is increasing its subscriber numbers, and where government goes wrong with digital transformation.
Why people are losing trust in the media and advertisers, why ugly websites succeed, and why it’s time to ditch PDFs.
The free versus paywall debate was a red herring. What matters is the quality of the product.