The object of information architecture

In my job at the Scottish Government, we are understanding the opportunities that can be provided by following an object-oriented approach to structuring our information.
Human-centred decisions
In my job at the Scottish Government, we are understanding the opportunities that can be provided by following an object-oriented approach to structuring our information.
Information has become the forgotten half in “information technology”. Tech companies are struggling because they aren’t focusing on the human problems they need to solve.
A perspective on the similarities and differences between information, data, content and knowledge.
I have long been an advocate of agile ways of working. One of the things that originally drew me to user experience was the opportunity to have evidence-based ways of understanding the changes you need to make. So I was surprised whenever I encountered people who believed that user experience methods ran counter to the principles of agile.
I have decided to refresh my approach to blogging (yet again). There are a couple of main drivers for this.
Every discipline feels hard done by in the current climate. But looking beyond your own discipline could help you get your next role.
The latest chapter in my career has closed, as I have found an incredibly exciting new opportunity. But the past couple of years have given me a lot to reflect on.
I will be speaking at the UX Healthcare conference in London on Friday 12 April. Book now to learn about using Perception-Cognition-Action analysis to improve accessibility and outcomes in healthcare products.
In late January our second daughter Imogen was born.
I went to just two concerts in 2023, and they were both of Pulp’s performances in Scotland.
A busier life, and recent events on the internet, mean a new direction for my blog.
I have recently completed my 50th parkrun.