Could you be our nudge intern?

We have a fascinating opportunity for a University of Edinburgh undergraduate student to join our team as an intern this summer. The job has a cool title: nudge intern — or behavioural insights intern if you want to be a little more formal about it.
If you’ve read the book Nudge — or perhaps Thinking, Fast and Slow — you’ll have come across the idea before. The nudge intern is going to help us apply behavioural science approaches to positively influence the decision-making of people using our services.
This internship would be a great fit for anyone studying economics, psychology or similar social sciences. It’s about understanding how people behave, to inform how we can better design our services. Ideas around behavioural insights are a perfect fit for our work as a user experience team, so I’m really excited we’re getting the opportunity dedicate some attention to it in this way.
My colleagues in other teams across the department are also hiring student interns for the summer. So if you are (or know anyone who is) studying at the University of Edinburgh and want to get some fascinating work experience over the summer, browse all the internships.
Here are a few highlights:
- Nudge (Behavioural Insights) Intern — working with the user experience team to help colleagues apply behavioural insights to inform the design of our services.
- Web Content Migration Liaison Assistant — working closely with my team to assist on a hugely important content migration project, an opportunity to make our web content more user-centred.
- Automated Web Content Migration Intern — working with our web developers to automate the bits of that migration that can be automated.
- Design System and Web Platform Media Intern — helping promote the Website and Communications team’s current work.
- Portal Services Developer Intern — working with us to deliver improvements to services like the staff/student portal MyEd and notifications.
- Learn Foundations Student Intern — helping migrate courses in our virtual learning environment, another project my team has worked closely with.
- …and many more fascinating opportunities.
I lead teams and organisations to make human-centred decisions. I am a lead content designer and information architect at the Scottish Government.
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