Many people are intrigued by content design but unsure if it’s the right fit for them. So here is my beginner’s guide to being a content designer. Find out why it might be a better fit for you than you might think — and why it might not be.
What’s worse than design by committee? Design system by committee.
Radio broadcasters are battling each other to be the Netflix of radio. None of them seem to have asked themselves why any of their listeners would want that.
Today the world marks the 30th birthday of the web. I could have said ‘celebrates’ instead of ‘marks’. But despite — or perhaps because of — the fact that it’s the most revolutionary advance in communications of our lifetime, the mood seems reflective rather than celebratory.
The meaning of user experience has changed over time. While it can still be a useful phrase, its limitations are becoming problematic.
Last year I began a routine of publishing shorter posts on an almost-daily basis. Today marks a full year of blogging on a daily basis. It’s also the day I’ll stop posting each day.
About 20 years ago I watched a TV programme featuring the magician Paul Zenon. He invited the viewers to think of a card, and he said he could guess the card you were thinking of.
The on-track action ramped up on Saturday, with the the first races of the weekend — and F1 qualifying. But the handheld F1 Vision device could have done with some improvements.
When it came to blogging, the tail was wagging the dog. So I have changed my routine.
How lessons from how Formula 1 teams are managed could apply to other businesses.
With Google adding its Discover feed to its famously minimalist homepage, what will stop them repeating Facebook’s mistakes?
This week, Flickr announced that free accounts will be limited to only 1,000 photos. It’s another warning that we can’t rely on externally-run content silos.